Posted by Dredd
Aye, the Faithful gathered about the ShovelFlag in the Gloom:
Mickey Thomas
Tango Delta (QIC)
Johnny Most
Red Warrior
Antonio Table
The Rock
. . . and the Colonel (BHWTUP)
The Thang: Tango Delta led us through a Classic MudX (originated by Mayo, the MudX QIC), as a good entre’ to Spartan training. 52 minutes long. No Lurker!! Surprise: a MickeyMantleStretch (Johnny Most did not distinguish himself in his usual (ahem) manner). Just saying . . .
NakedMan Moleskin:
1. FNGs: All PAX actually, since this is an inaugural. TClaps across the board. Aye.
2. Captain Beefheart: There were quite a few Tomatoes In The Sun out on the Campos this AM Brothers, a fact that was not lost on Silence, the Hippy Developer who practices his own (softer) version of the Silence of the Lambs routine to keep the Campos (ahem) clean. Remarking on the proliferate Tomatoes, Silence pointed out that he grows his tomatoes on a vine he calls the “Captain Beefheart” and only puts them in the sun when they’ve earned it. Otherwise, the most they get is to watch old videos from Lilith Fair in the 90s. Uh. . . just head scratchin. . .
3. A Caring Voice in the Gloom: As the Faithful descended into the dark and twisty path that is the Apocalypto, Johnny Most took special care to caution Rook repeatedly (I mean like a lot of times Brothers) to watch his ankles and be really careful on the dark and twisty path that is the Apocalypto. Definitely a contrast from the usual gruff call of the Faithful in the Lypto to “get the heck out of the way.” TClaps to Johnny for his tender concerns. Just noticing . . .
4. Request Denied:
a. Surprisingly, DBrixx tried to rename himself “Civilian” this AM. Uh . . . no, Cobains Brother, but I don’t think that’s a good idea, even though I kinda want to call you Civilian now. Something cool about that.
b. Inexplicably, Johnny Most (perhaps inspired by DBrixx/Civilian, perhaps not) then tried to rename HIMSELF “OBT”. That’s a definite no Brother—that name is already taken, and there can be only one, truly only one.
5. Today’s Chuck: When the Boogeyman goes to sleep at night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
6. Today’s Goofy: There is no plateau. In all things, you are either climbing up or sliding back down.