Monday, August 8, 2011

F3 BHM - 8.8.11 - Backblast - Fish Out of Water

The virtual shovel flag was planted and the Faithful gathered to kickstart the week:

The Faithful:

My Little Friend
Red Warrior (QIC)
Zoot (FNG)
Snap Fade
Kit Carson
Shawn O'Neil (FNG) aka Shamrock
2 Toes
Antonio Table
Grant Jordan aka Harley
Edmund Waddill (FNG) aka Opposing Thumbs

The Thang:

Run to the train
Side Straddle Hop X 51
Merkins X 15
Cross the Bridge
Jump ups X 10
Indian Run/Mosey around the lake
Back to the train
Plankorama - mountain climber version
Micheal Phelps
Run to soccer fields
Run to MMOB pull up bars (the scenic route)
5 station circuit: pullups, flutter kicks, carolina dry docks, squats, burpees
Run back to soccer fields
Michael Phelps encore

Nakedman Moleskin:
Swimming for non-triathletes - The Faithful were introduced to the american crawl gloom-style this am. The good news - no drownings; The bad news - a new pain instrument has been added to the portfolio.

Moniteur speaks - absent in body but present in spirit, Moniteur channeled through the Faithful as the final station was set for the circuit after a solicitation for requests. Probably wouldn't be a qualified BHM without the burpay.

Ripe Tomatoes - several tomato sightings this morning including a pay to play crew and a few solos, one of whom recieved words of encouragement as she tangentially passed by the COP. While Silence was able to maintain composure for the most part, he set the standard on the Indian Run - clearly some pent-up energy in need of release.

The real wheels - if anyone isn't sure why the under 40 crowd receives a healthy dose of friendly hate during the COT - Exhibit A - McGee; The dude blows past the faithful as if they are standing still during the Indian Run. Yeah - I was that fast back in the mid-90's - not.


  1. I didn't realize it was McGee. First, I thought it was a tomato being chased by Silence. Then I thought it was MMOB being chased by a Raptor (but he pulled a UA-1). When I realized it was one of our guys (not being chased by a carnivore) I remembered why we hate. YesYes. Why we hate.

  2. Aye. I drink haterade for recovery during COT.


The Faithful