Sunday, August 21, 2011

F³/WB--BackBlast.8/20/11--MMOB Glory Daze

6 posted @ the F3-WB-MMOB Workout





flounder (FNG)


spruntalicious (FNG)

MMOB posted under the sign that said " Town Hall" and waiting until 7 am. He stood in silence watching 3 girls and one male who apparently were getting ready to launch their own workout. crickets? chirp chirp? MMOB was getting desperate and thought of asking these sheilas and their sidekick to join me for my little thang.

It looked as if the streak was over and the WB shovel flag was yet a mirage. Desparate, MMOB even lobbed in a text to ChiaPet seeing if she would post? Just as that text was sent, Honeybear called, "WHERE ARE YOU?" Apparently I was at the front door, they were at the back door? After some connection confusion, the fourth WB workout was underway.

The Thang

Warmuporama: SideStadle Flop, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Fence Hoppin'

Six-Minnows with Mary: BabyCrunchie, HighDollies, LowDollies, SlowBicycles, Flutterkicks low, Flutters high

PushoRama-in-the-House of Wood- a new wooden ampitheater is now open and a perfect stage for picture perfect merkins, wide arms, side to side, stagger, partner declines

Acrobatic Intelude- We located a handicap railway a la the Tango Delta for the vertical core slide up the poles. Bear Crawl down. Repeat. Backwards crab walk back. Lots of ass skidding on the way down.

Legorama Part 1- squat, lunge in place, mountain climbers, pogo sticks

Picnic-for-7- 2 x step ups on the benches follow by bench dips;

Trip to the V-Beach - legorama @ the volleyball beach with lunges + burpees

Nothing Chunky Pulluperama Tater passed the bathrooms with Honeybear commenting "he's not making a pit stop like last time." Musta been "nothing chunky" coming up and no signs of recycled merlot. Proceed to playground partner assisted pulls. 10 x 2.

Pulluperama Part 2- zig zag ampitheater jaunt to the softball field pull up bars. 10 x 1.

FireworksFinale- plank series for 3 minutes, side straddle floppers, swing kicks, jump shots, and the grandfinale BODY BLASTER.

Total time: 59 minutes.

On the final skip back to the parking lot, MMOB was a approached by a middle aged female wearing spandex who asked,

"Excuse me, are you all with Cross Fit?"

MMOB, without hesitation replied, "no mame, we're F3 and we're FREE" as he pointed at the F3 logo on his shirt.


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