Friday, August 19, 2011

Wilmington 8/16/2011 BackBlast: Learning How to Count Down from 20!

Aye, we planted a virtual shovel flag in the coastal gloom and the faithful gathered for the inaugural Tuesday Wilmington Workout (add name here).


Joker (co-QIC)
Crotch Rocket (co-QIC) War Daddy 43
Honey Bear
Mike Brown (needs name) War Baby 29
Blake (need last name but added to distribution)

Tha Thang:

1st Half Joker Led

Side straddle Hop
Little Baby Crunch
Run to the soccer field
Beast x3 (Merkins, Flutters, Jumping lunge)
Run back to parking lot
Jump ups on benches x10 x5
Dips x10

2nd Half CR Led

Run to basketball court
Randorama (merkins, dry docks)
Run a lap around sticks
Run a lap around sticks
Run a lap around sticks
Walking lunges
High Knee skips
backward run
Run back to parking lot

NakedMan Moleskin:

- 1st off sorry for tardiness of this backblast but this week was crazy!

- I think we have a competitor with Tennis Whites. Tater came walking out of the gloom in the whitest tennis shorts I have every seen. The only thing that took the shine off was the bloody mary stain on the front....

- FNG's- All Faithful

-Location- This is a good spot for future workouts and a unscientific pole of the local faithful is it is convenient for mid week workouts. The only thing it lacks and it is true for every location east of I-95 is a hill. Just watch out for fire ants.

-WarDaddy- Yours truly for the first time. I will say it was close.

-WarBaby- Mike Brown 29 We hate you! (that's a good thing)

-Nicknames- Because of the issue with me and nicknames neither Joker or I was comfortable with applying new labels to the guys without names. I was thinking of "Mud", "Tire iron", "Foil" , "Garden Weasel". Just sayin....

-Counting- This group got way too comfortable at counting down from 20. Don't get used to it!

- I spoke to one of the faithful the day after the workout (his first) and here is his exact quote:
"I feel like someone beat the &%#@ out of me with a baseball bat! But I will be back."

- Thought of the Day: "A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say. "That's dynamite, baby."

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