Friday, May 20, 2011

GONADS/SweetSix--5-19-11.Rumble Fish

OBT Posts:

Aye, the ShovelFlag was planted and the Faithful gathered for the weekly SweetSix:

The Pax:
Collection Plate
Kit Carson

The Thang:
6.4 miles on the MMOB City Loop

The Times:
MacDeuce and CP led the pack in about 46:40.  Dredd trailed at 47:30. OBT and SixMike were in around 49:30.  Kit, Doobie and Oxburger were a couple minutes behind that, then Mizer, then Waco and Hitman.

Spreadsheets From The Gloom:
_ As we gathered pre-launch three cyclists sped by, headed south on Providence, one of them talking loud enough to awaken all of Eastover.  It could only be Rulebook, aka Thom Klingman.  We launched and headed up Providence, coming upon three cyclists stopped at the corner of Providence and Queens in front of the old Myers Park Hardware store.  Thinking this was Rulebook, Magellan (Jeff Wise) and their sidekick Selle who had circled back up Sharon Road and in on Queens in the intervening minutes (and once again failing a test of chrono-spatial relations), YHC told the somewhat surprised group of pastel-dressed strangers that the GONADS wanted to rumble with them.  One of the bikers allowed as to how we probably had "numbers," and YHC embarassedly realized his mistake.  I just need to learn not to pop off that early in the AM ...

_ Man Down! Report: No one went down (it's starting to get pretty light out for most of the SweetSix), but CP did suffer a nastly laceration on his side after MaxiDeuce hip-checked him into one of the giant white planters that guard the entrance to the greenway at Kings and Morehead.  GONADS beware -- as the weather warms up, MacDeuce's nasty-tempered, 8-foot-tall holographic alter ego gets friskier.

_ Fasrtsacking in the Gloom: DarkWarrior, encountered later in the day at an officially sanctioned Spreadsheeters' Marketing Event, admitted that for the first time since he started coming out to AG in January, the alarm went off and he decided to stay in the fartsack.  Between this and the rumor that he will miss the next two Saturday workouts, the Faithful are Officially Concerned.

_ Kotters to Doobie and Kit Carson.  Epstein's Mother to Nino/BoyMarlo, smokebooting them down in Tejas.


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